Brands That Do
Building Behavior Brands
People nowadays want brands that act, that help, that do. This means that brands have to adopt new approaches. Consumers are telling marketers to stop making empty promises and start acting in new and different ways. Shift from saying to doing. Shift from consumers reading about you to consumers experiencing you. Shift from stating beliefs and values to living them consistently through action. Brands and agencies often shout without thinking, without relevance, without insight. Today’s branding is more about listening than telling – it’s about truly relating to someone as a person and not just as a customer. Companies must make several shifts in behavior, like a shift from a fixed brand statement to dynamic brand behavior blueprint. Today a brand must be useful, meaningful, and engaging - or it is moving toward irrelevance. The authors call this ‘Behavior Branding’. Behavior branding asks that brands stop asserting beliefs and start demonstrating value. The Behavior Generation respects doers – they want to see values connected to actual behavior.
Pick your method.
Workshops are ready to present and are in Keynote or PowerPoint. There are case examples in the preseantation, which you may replace for local relevancy. The presentations have speaker notes. Reading the Mindmap and the Summary (about 1 hour reading), on which the presentation is based, will update you on the specific knowledge on the subject. A Workshop presentation lasts about 45 minutes. Proposed handouts to participants of the Workshop: Mindmap and Summary of the book.