Learn your way

The formatting of knowledge from books makes knowledge applicable in the real world.

The Elevator Pitch

(1 minute read)

Quickest read, very high-level recap of key insights.


(15/30 minutes read)

Complete overview of the entire book on one or multi-pages.


(30/45 minutes read)

Multi-page, chapter-by-chapter summary of the complete content of the book.

TED Talks

(10/20 minutes listen)

The most interesting TED Talks or interviews about the subject.


(5/20 minutes listen)

The content of Podcasts sums up Guiding Principles.

Actions for Impact

(15 minutes study and selecting)

Study and select the actions that fit your personal objectives.

About the Global Reading Club

The Why, How and What of the Reading Club.

The purpose and belief is to bring David Ogilvy’s Relentless Curiosity into practice, by continuous learning from published Thought Leadership books and papers. Constantly challenging the status quo and to be able to lead strategic conversations on subjects that matter. Coming up with fresh insights and remarkable ideas faster, by developing people’s professional insights and skills.

Learn more