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Creative Confidence

Unleashing the creative potential within us all

— by Tom Kelley & David Kelley

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Unleashing the creative potential within us all

Podcast Creative Confidence

Building your Creative Confidence is an important aspect of life, as creativity takes you into new directions. No matter what your professional background is. No matter what your level in your career is. No matter what your age is. Everybody can develop Creative Confidence and influence change through developing innovative ideas. It is the believe in your ability to be creative in solving problems. Creativity makes your live and work more interesting, coming up with more ideas and thus better decisions. This podcast sums up the Guiding Principles how to develop Creative Confidence

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Thought Leader Engagement Program

Thought Leadership comes from books and is the value of innovative thinking. It is about pushing boundaries of existing thinking. With the 'Share a book' program you will share innovative thinking. It is a ready-to-go program, which you can easily implement for your own people, your clients, potential clients and friends. See the link below to download the Cover letter, the Newsletter and the screenshot of the book.

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