The Long View
Career Strategies to Start Strong, Reach High, and Go Far
The book ‘The Long View’ is written on basis of lifetime observations and experiences, resulting in valuable career insights. Insights that help you plan a career as an integral part of your life. It is not just another book on how to build a career. It is a method for a career that last a long time. At the moment the age of 70 is in view to retire and even 80. So, deduct your age and you know how long a career will be ahead of you. The author divides a career in three stages. Each stage having its own characteristics. In Stage One you are on a discovery and learning journey. The time you build transportable skills, get meaningful experiences and build enduring relationships. In Stage Two, around the age of 40, you must reach high. You do things that you are good at and love to do, and what the world appreciates. The time you must capitalize on your strength and surround yourself with people that take care of your weaknesses. You must stand out in skill and passion. Stage Three, you are around 60. You still have a career in front of you. Prepare for this stage way in advance. Don’t become a late career victim, but become an agent of purpose and active wisdom. It’s the time to pass on the torch, by teaching, mentoring, coaching and sponsoring people. But, stay relevant. Also covered in this book: Career and parenthood, returnship after a few years break, going global, overcoming adversity, the future of careers, how to find work in the future and finally: “How will work make me happy?”
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Workshops are ready to present and are in Keynote or PowerPoint. There are case examples in the preseantation, which you may replace for local relevancy. The presentations have speaker notes. Reading the Mindmap and the Summary (about 1 hour reading), on which the presentation is based, will update you on the specific knowledge on the subject. A Workshop presentation lasts about 45 minutes. Proposed handouts to participants of the Workshop: Mindmap and Summary of the book.