Where Good Ideas Come From
The Natural History of Innovation
Good ideas emerge best in environments that contain a certain amount of noise and error. A space where ideas are shared and where minds collide and neurons fire together. These spaces seem to breed new ideas effortlessly, in which we can experience new visions, resulting from walking unpredictable paths. We must imagine ideas rising above their surroundings, which are powerfully suited for the creation, spreading and adoption of good ideas. To solve problems of all sorts, all the time.
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18 minutes watching
The natural history of innovation
Global Reading Club Podcast "Where Good Ideas Come From"
The author, Steven Johnson, takes a somewhat scientific approach to the space of innovation. Innovation is about ideas, which must be turned into something useful, having an impact on people’s life or the things we as human beings are accountable for. The word ‘Where’ in the title Where Good Ideas Come From, is important. The author explains what kind of environment is essential to create ideas – some environments stop new ideas, some environments seem to breed ideas effortlessly.
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