Building Distinctive Brand Assets 644x1000px

Building Distinctive Brand Assets

— Jenni Romaniuk

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Building Distinctive Brand Assets 644x1000px

Global Reading Club Podcast - Building Distinctive Brand Assets

Building Distinctive Brand Assets is a strategic part of the overall brand identity. Brand Assets are the cornerstones of the identity of brands, making brands easily recognizable. Distinctiveness is based on fame and uniqueness to stand out to cut through the attention filter of the consumer. In this podcast we focus on the Guiding Principles how to optimize Brand Assets.

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Thought Leader Engagement Program

Thought Leadership comes from books and is the value of innovative thinking. It is about pushing boundaries of existing thinking. With the 'Share a book' program you will share innovative thinking. It is a ready-to-go program, which you can easily implement for your own people, your clients, potential clients and friends. See the link below to download the Cover letter, the Newsletter and the screenshot of the book.

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