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Ten Reasons we’re Wrong About the World and Why Things are Better Than You Think

— Hans Rosling with Ola Rosling and Anna Rosling Ronnlund

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19 minutes watching

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Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About the World and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

Have you ever heard the famous saying that “Ignorance is bliss”? Well… in this podcast you will understand why this could not be farther from the truth. Leading a life based on facts is not only relevant from a business and professional perspective, but can also become a mental therapy in times when overdramatic views of the world lead to unnecessary fear and stress. And while we have never been more exposed to data than now, a distorted view of the world has dominated people’s mind from all walks of life. Including those in power. In this podcast we will share some Guiding Principles on how Factfulness can become a way of living and working better.

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Thought Leader Engagement Program

Thought Leadership comes from books and is the value of innovative thinking. It is about pushing boundaries of existing thinking. With the 'Share a book' program you will share innovative thinking. It is a ready-to-go program, which you can easily implement for your own people, your clients, potential clients and friends. See the link below to download the Cover letter, the Newsletter and the screenshot of the book.

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