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The Challenger Sale

How to take control of the client conversation

— Matthew Dixon & Brent Adamson

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The Challenger Sale

The Challenger Sale is a book based on global research, how to win pitches and generate more revenue from existing clients, while keeping them loyal. There are some dramatic and unexpected findings of misconceptions of the reality in pitch situations and selling more complex solutions in a Business-to Business environment. The overall conclusion of the research is that people with a Challenger’s profile outperform other frontline people by 200%.

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Thought Leader Engagement Program

Thought Leadership comes from books and is the value of innovative thinking. It is about pushing boundaries of existing thinking. With the 'Share a book' program you will share innovative thinking. It is a ready-to-go program, which you can easily implement for your own people, your clients, potential clients and friends. See the link below to download the Cover letter, the Newsletter and the screenshot of the book.

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